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Level Up: Gate Pass Gazette Issue #34 (A5E)

Level Up: Gate Pass Gazette Issue #34 (A5E)

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The Gate Pass Gazette is the official monthly magazine for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition. Each month, this digital supplement comes crammed with new rules and resources for your game.

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The latest issue of the Gate Pass Gazette, the official magazine of Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition, is here!

Intriguing Organization: The Cult Primordial

Devoted to the primordial vampire Nemirtvi, this cult has existed for centuries in Elissar with the sole pursuit of supporting their ancient lord. His most loyal servants maintain rites long in the making and longer still in their effects, spreading misery, terror, and evil so that the realm is ready for their master to walk upon it once again. By Mike Myler.

The House of Three Flowers: Rules for Gambling Houses

Nearly every settlement worth its salt has a gamble house, and when adventurers are ready to put their hard-earned coin on the line, the House of Three Flowers is more than happy to provide the venue. A graceful, three-tiered building with slanting, upturned roofs at each level, the House accessible to the common person, while still remaining exclusive enough to attract some of the wealthiest—and often most dangerous—figures in the city.

This article details the specifics of this famous establishment, as well as rules for several games of chance adventurers may choose to partake in. By Marc Kenobi.

Fighter Class Features: Round Two

With the bell rung, the fighter class is getting back up again with a whole arsenal of options for crafting your perfect combat master! Most warriors are content to swing any old hunk of sharpened metal, but for the dedicated craftsman only the right tool will do. The Fighting Styles detailed here represent dedication to a specific weapon or subset of weapons and reward the commitment with powerful new capabilities and bonuses. Additionally, this article includes new options for the Steely Mien, Martial Lore, and Reputation class features.

Creeping Unease: Dreadful Exploration Challenges

Looming clouds that turn day to night, the howl of wolves and shriek of banshees, the disturbing sounds and repulsive scents that seem to come from all around—these all hint at the horrors that lurk ahead, waiting for the adventurers to stumble into them. Whether you’re running a horror campaign, taking the party through a horror adventure, or the party is just traveling throw a haunted or corrupted region, this article provides five new encounter challenges specifically designed to unsettle the party and players alike. By Jessica Wolfman.

Finally, in the spirit of the season, we're including a special bonus article! This sci-fi material won't be part of the usual GPG line-up, but consider it foreshadowing for what is to come!

The Starfaring Swarm: Origins from the Kitax Regnum

Most often found living in their well-ordered hive cities, the insectoid kitax live and work under a caste system determined by their biomorph: worker, solider, drone, or queen. While political power is usually in the hands of a regent, kitax society, as well as its urban engineering, revolves around those of the queen biomorph, as they are the only kitax capable of laying eggs. This gives them an expansionist view that may put them in conflict with other space-faring peoples, though they do not necessarily have a thirst for conquest. This article presents the kitax heritage and its four biomorphs, as well as the Kitax Regnum culture and a background suitable for a queen (or anyone else) on the run. By Rachel Williamson.

Art by Xanditz

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