EN5ider #500: Vault of Splintered Souls MEGADUNGEON (D&D 5e)
EN5ider #500: Vault of Splintered Souls MEGADUNGEON (D&D 5e)
Distinguished patrons, players and gamemasters alike—today we have something truly spectacular to celebrate EN5ider's 500th issue!
Nine months ago we asked what YOU wanted to see in a megadungeon and since then we have been hard at work turning that into an amazing reality.
There's a level of elemental wizardry a couple floors down from the minotaur-guarded labyrinth (which tilts as the party explores it before the rolling spheres shows up). Not to mention the treant's miniquest, or the otyugh pit, or the disguised dragons!
Prepare to meet adventurers from the distant past, a sagagætir eager to talk to newcomers near the bottom of the dungeon, and ancient mages that have reached too far in their grasping for arcane power!
Just wait until you read about soulshards.
Deck of Cards
Every one of you is about to play through your own different finale because the penultimate foe, the ultimate enemy, and the story that shapes how a pivotal quintet of champions trapped below are all determined by what the GM draws!
A True Megadungeon
Every one of the fourteen areas in the Vault of Splintered Souls embraces its own unique elements while intertwining into a beautiful delve that embodies the themes you wanted to see most, ultimately creating an adventure that your group is going to be talking about decades from now. Mileage will vary depending on the GM and PCs, but anticipate a minimum of 50 hours of adventuring once the party sets foot below Mal Takkar.
Thank you for making this possible by being patrons of EN5ider, and thanks to the fantastic designers that wrought this megadungeon into being!
- Level 2: The Crushing Chorus (Andrew Engelbrite)
- Level 3: The Tangle (Will Gawned)
- Aqualevel (Sarah Breyfogle)
- Level 4: Kotaur's Charge (Anthony Alipio)
- Level 5: Halls of Champions (Marc Kenobi)
- Level 6: Weeping Halls (Rachel Williamson)
- Level 7: Dug In (Peter Martin)
- Level 8: Soul Engine (Michael McCarthy)
- Level 9: Soul Laboratory (Levi Thompson)
- Level 10: Trials of the Storykeeper (Charlie Brooks)
- Level 11: Battle of Barvast Ridge (Tyler Omichinski)
- Level 12: The Faceless Feast (Savannah Broadway)
- Amazing cover illustration by Erik Davis-Heim
- Killer cartography by Xanditz
- Beautiful layout by Frank Michienzi
Plus we have a little bit of bonus content! Anthony submitted an awesome map order for Kotaur's Charge, but ultimately we used something less demanding in the megadungeon. GMs that want to really make the most out of Level 4 are welcome to use his original vision for that floor instead.
Tell us what you think of the megadungeon, how your adventurers fare, and ask whatever questions you have about these ominous ruins beneath Mal Takkar and the thrilling adventure ahead of you!