Upcoming Crowdfunding Campaigns

Upcoming Crowdfunding Campaigns

We've got lots of exciting new books planned for the rest of 2025!

Click the links below on the crowdfunders you wanted to be notified about, and we'll send you a message when we go live.


Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2024

We successfully funded the Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2024 on backerkit back in January! If you missed it - the backerkit pledge manager is open until the end of March. Get your copy here!

The GPG 2024 Annual contains the year's Gate Pass Gazette articles for Level Up: A5E, as usual. We met our stretch goal, and so the Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2024 will be printed via on offset print run and have ribbon book marks.


Secrets of the Grave

Secrets of the Grave: Undead Monstrosities & Spells of Decay, brings new undead monstrosities, new spells, plus an undead adventure for PCs of 2nd to 4th level for D&D. This book is compatible with both D&D 2014 and D&D 2024.

Ending (tomorrow!) on Thursday 13th March. The PDF copies will be sent the same day the Kickstarter ends (immediately!), and the softcover book will be with you the next month.


Machines in the Deep

Machines in the Deep brings war machines, clockwork mechanical wonders, and sci-fi inspired magic items to your DnD 5E fantasy setting. This book is compatible with both D&D 2014 and D&D 2024.

As always, the PDF copies will be sent the same day the Kickstarter ends (immediately!), and the softcover book will be with you the next month.


Level Up Ultimate Card Set

We've recently sold out of our Combat Maneuver cards - but fear not, we have plans to print more!

We're going all-in on card decks for maneuvers, spells, magic items, and more. Even better, these will all come in a fancy collector case. Click here to be notified when we launch!


What's OLD is NEW Bestiary 

Long asked for, it's finally here! A hardcover book of over 400 monsters, aliens, and NPCs for the What's OLD is NEW (WOIN) roleplaying game! Coming to kickstarter in the summer.


Companions Compendium

This book, by Paul Hughes of Monstrous Menagerie fame, expands on the heroic monsters in MoMe2 to bring a full hardcover book of pets and companions, along with player options to support them.

Click here to be notified when we go live!


Into the Woods

Into the Woods is a softcover book containing new character species, monsters, and villains to populate the woodlands of your 5th Edition games. This book is compatible with both D&D 2014 and D&D 2024.

Originally published in PDF for EN5ider Magazine, we'll bringing you this collection of resources for your 5th edition games to Kickstarter later this year.


Plus More...

We have a few more announcements to make throughout the year.

You can keep updated by watching our monthly live stream videos, following us on social media, and of course reading this blog!

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