Looking for a Roll20 Developer

Looking for a Roll20 Developer

EN Publishing is looking for an in-house Roll20 developer to work with us on a freelance basis to bring our games to the virtual tabletop. We'll be starting with the Awfully Cheerful Engine!, and moving on to Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition later in the year.

If you have experience in creating Roll20 compendiums and character sheets, you might be the person we're looking for! 

  • Awfully Cheerful Engine! is a comparatively small project. A short 30-page rulebook, four short 30-page adventures, and a character sheet the size of a credit card with only a handful of stats on it. We anticipate that a single person can manage this project.
  • Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition is a much bigger project, on the scale of D&D or Pathfinder. We anticipate that multiple freelancers will be needed to manage this project.

Please contact us by email at morrus@enpublishingrpg.com if you are interested in being involved with either or both projects, along with a quote for your hourly pay for the work and a sample of previous work on Roll20 materials.

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