As always, these are estimated dates.
Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2024 (January)
The GPG 2024 Annual will contain the year's Gate Pass Gazette articles for Level Up: A5E, as usual. In a slight change of direction, we're trying this one out on Backerkit rather than Kickstarter, so don't be surprised when things look a little different!
Level Up Ultimate Card Set (Spring)
You've already seen our Combat Maneuver cards. For this one, we're going all-in on card decks for maneuvers, spells, magic items, and more. Even better, these will all come in a fancy collector case.
What's OLD is NEW Bestiary (Summer)
Long asked for, it's finally here! A hardcover book of monsters, aliens, and NPCs for the What's OLD is NEW (WOIN) roleplaying game!
If Not Friend, Why Friend Shaped? (Autumn)
Title is a placeholder! This book, by Paul Hughes of Monstrous Menagerie fame, expands on the heroic monsters in MoMe2 to bring a full hardcover book of pets and companions, along with player options to support them.
Space Fight! (Winter)
This tactical skirmish game lets you pit starships against each other. Unlike the many high-end, expensive starship combat games out there, this one is designed to fit your wallet with cardboard counters rather than miniatures. Re-enact your favourite Star Trek or Star Wars battles!
Mystery Product (Winter)
And we have one more thing which we'll be keeping secret.... for now!
As usual, we will be sprinkling in mini-quickstarters throughout the year with softcover books for your 5E games.